Our 2010-2011 Multiage Family: , Exciting Emily, Reliable Riley, Awesome Alex, Admirable Angelina, Jovial Jaxon, Noble Nathan, Cheerful Chelsea, Remarkable Rudy, Amazing Allyson, Joyful Jaya, Audacious Alexa, Excellent Emily, Majestic Mariah, Lovely Luisa, Brainy Becca, Colossal-Brain Keaton, Kind Kate, Magnificent MaKenzie, Polite Peyton, Brilliant Bradley, Shining Shaw, & Ambitious Ashley!

Multiage ~ "Where Great Minds GROW!"

Below you will find our Blog Postings. If a posting inspires you & you want to leave us a POSITIVE COMMENT or ASK US a question, please click on "comments" under a posting. WE LOVE QUESTIONS & COMMENTS!! By clicking on "comments" you can read comments & questions that others have left. ENJOY!

Friday, October 26, 2007

50th Day of School!

On Wednesday we celebrated the 50th day of school with 50's Day! We dressed up, hula hooped, hop scotched, had a bubble blowing contest, & drank root beer floats! We had planned on having it outside but the weather turned cold. It was so fun & afterwards we were so tired. Mrs. J was going to have a costume contest but could not decide between the cute costumes. It was fun just being together. Only 50 more days until we celebrate the 100th day of school. We wanted to thank our parents for our "cool" looks!

Do we look cool or what!

The hula hooping
bubble gum contest
were so much fun!

Comment From Holly's Dad In Iraq

Today the students were THRILLED to get a comment on our blog from Heavenly Holly's dad. He is a marine stationed in Iraq. I cannot tell you how precious my "little ones" faces were as I read his comment. After reading it we went on Google Earth & took a quick trip around the world to Iraq. The children always enjoy taking trips on the internet. I wanted to let Lieutenant F know how excited his Holly & the rest of the children were. Today Heavenly Holly brought her "daddy doll" for Show & Share. It has a picture of her dad & a device with a message that her dad made for her with his own voice. She hugged it & hugged it. It was a big hit with her Multiage Family!! Here is his comment..."Mrs. Jones & class, I would like to Thank you all for welcoming my precious jewel with open arms. You will continue to see that she will brighten your days with just her smile and giggles. I will often check on you all. Continue to fill your hearts and minds to one day do great things in this world. Take care!" -Holly's Dad

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thank You Parents!!!

I would like to thank Beautiful Brianne's mom (Mrs. B) & Colossal Brian Cole's mom (Mrs. M) for volunteering their time during our 50's day celebration!
I would also like to thank ALL the parents who sent items for the event! Our day would not have been possible without your generosity!!! Thank you Mr. J for donating the ice cream for the floats. -Mrs. J

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I will be picking up our class t-shirts on Monday, October 22nd.
I plan on sending them home on Tuesday, October 23rd.
Please have your child wear their class shirt on
FRIDAY, October 26th.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A New Guest Reader!

Last Friday Jazzy Jade's mom, Mrs. T, came and read us a fantastically funny book! The book was Beetle McGrady Eats Bugs! It taught us a lesson about trying new things & believing in ourselves. We really appreciate Mrs. T coming & sharing a story with us. We thought she was a great reader with a lot of expression in her voice. Mrs. J is working with us on using expression when we read. She says it takes a lot of practice. Mrs. T said that she loves to read at home. After reading she stayed & played the "The Fly Swatter Phonics Game" with our Multiage Family. She was really good at it & showed good sportsmanship. We know how important that is during the fly swatter game. We hope she enjoyed her visit & comes back again real soon. If you are interested in reading us a story, please contact our teacher Mrs. J or leave us a comment on our blog. Enjoy the fall break!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Visit From The Fire Truck

We had a visit from the fire truck & smoke trailer today!

The fireman talked to us about fire safety & fire equipment. He wears a lot of things to keep him safe in a fire. He wears a sock mask that goes over his ears & head. He told us that is keeps his ears from "baking". He wears a helment to protect his head from things falling on it. He wears a mask & air tanks to help him breath good air during fires. The air tanks weigh 70 pounds. The air makes a funny noise. He also wears a special beeper. The beeper makes a loud noise. He uses if he is stuck or lost in a fire. This lets other firefighters know where he is.

We went inside the fire truck. It had two seats in the front & four in the back. It had neat stuff inside. It also had a BIG steering wheel. The truck was full of equipment to help firefighters during a fire. There was a big ladder on the top of the truck. We also went inside the Smoke Trailer. We learned about house fires and getting out safely, even if there is smoke. Everyone crawled out of the smoke & safely went down the ladder to our meeting place. It was so fun!! We learned a lot. We hope they visit us again.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Golden Frisbee!

This is our second time to win it for showing good recess behavior & lining up with respect.

Look Who Has Visited!

Seeing The World Through Buddy Bear's Eyes

Seeing The World Through Buddy Bear's Eyes
Buddy is our classroom bear. He was given to Mrs. J as a Valentine present in 1993 by a very special student Ryan Humphrey. He started going home on weekends with her student's & began traveling the world. He has been to many exciting homes & places. He has met every child that Mrs. Jones has ever taught. He has been to birthday parties, class trips, trips to different states & countries, sat on the Great Wall of China, & met Micky Mouse! He is currently 15 years old. We will be documenting his trips below.


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