Our 2010-2011 Multiage Family: , Exciting Emily, Reliable Riley, Awesome Alex, Admirable Angelina, Jovial Jaxon, Noble Nathan, Cheerful Chelsea, Remarkable Rudy, Amazing Allyson, Joyful Jaya, Audacious Alexa, Excellent Emily, Majestic Mariah, Lovely Luisa, Brainy Becca, Colossal-Brain Keaton, Kind Kate, Magnificent MaKenzie, Polite Peyton, Brilliant Bradley, Shining Shaw, & Ambitious Ashley!

Multiage ~ "Where Great Minds GROW!"

Below you will find our Blog Postings. If a posting inspires you & you want to leave us a POSITIVE COMMENT or ASK US a question, please click on "comments" under a posting. WE LOVE QUESTIONS & COMMENTS!! By clicking on "comments" you can read comments & questions that others have left. ENJOY!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Golden Frisbee Returns!

We were so excited to get the Golden Frisbee last Monday during Gorilla Pride!

Year Books Are Here!!!

Yearbooks came in this week. They are currently on sale in the office for $15.00. There are limited quanities, less than 50 left. The children are so excited about having their friends sign their yearbooks!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Twice Is SO Nice!

We won the Dustpan Award during Gorilla Pride on Monday April 7th & April 14th for having the cleanest room on the Green Wing! Once was great but twice was VERY nice!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Under The Ocean We Go!

This week we began our ocean life unit. We chose partners for cooperative sea life projects. Each of our groups are currently researching a creature from the sea. We will continue our projects next week. We had a wonderful time on our field trip to the aquarium. We saw so many interesting underwater creatures! We held two different types of shark eggs. We also touched different kinds of starfish, stingrays, & small sharks! The sea horses had new babies that were very tiny. We feed stingrays & turtles then went into the new otter & beaver exhibit. The otters were chasing crawdads & eating them. The beaver was eating carrots & other vegetables. The shark exhibit was also very neat! It is a trip we will never forget!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cherokee Challenge Bowl

Creative Cole & Brainy Bradyn competed with their team in the Cherokee Challenge Bowl for grades K-2, where they placed second. It's a academic buzzer competition where students are tested on their knowledge of Cherokee: history, culture, government, & language. It was sponsored by the Cherokee Nation JOM program. Way to go boys!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Math Bingo Fun!


Addition, Subtraction, & Money Bingo were a big hit this week! Each table rotated through a different game of bingo during math centers. We took turns being the "caller." It was great way to review our math skills.

Look Who Has Visited!

Seeing The World Through Buddy Bear's Eyes

Seeing The World Through Buddy Bear's Eyes
Buddy is our classroom bear. He was given to Mrs. J as a Valentine present in 1993 by a very special student Ryan Humphrey. He started going home on weekends with her student's & began traveling the world. He has been to many exciting homes & places. He has met every child that Mrs. Jones has ever taught. He has been to birthday parties, class trips, trips to different states & countries, sat on the Great Wall of China, & met Micky Mouse! He is currently 15 years old. We will be documenting his trips below.


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