Our 2010-2011 Multiage Family: , Exciting Emily, Reliable Riley, Awesome Alex, Admirable Angelina, Jovial Jaxon, Noble Nathan, Cheerful Chelsea, Remarkable Rudy, Amazing Allyson, Joyful Jaya, Audacious Alexa, Excellent Emily, Majestic Mariah, Lovely Luisa, Brainy Becca, Colossal-Brain Keaton, Kind Kate, Magnificent MaKenzie, Polite Peyton, Brilliant Bradley, Shining Shaw, & Ambitious Ashley!

Multiage ~ "Where Great Minds GROW!"

Below you will find our Blog Postings. If a posting inspires you & you want to leave us a POSITIVE COMMENT or ASK US a question, please click on "comments" under a posting. WE LOVE QUESTIONS & COMMENTS!! By clicking on "comments" you can read comments & questions that others have left. ENJOY!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Peek At Our Week Sept. 29 - Oct. 3

This week we will begin a unit on Fire Safety. We will be talking about complete and incomplete sentences during language arts and sort words by common properties. We will begin fractions during math & continue to work on leveled addition. It is going to be another great week of learning in the Multiage!!!
Mon: Look over spelling words & read your book(s) in your reading bag
Tues: Spelling words & read 1 story in your hard back reader
Wed: Word Sort & & read your book(s) in your reading bag
Thurs: Spelling words & both stories in your hard back reader

You will find your child's phonics skill & hard back reader page numbers at the top of their spelling list located in their viayl reading bag.

Thank You Parents!!!

It was so nice meeting with each of you during conferences. I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to invest in your child’s education. I enjoyed sharing assessments, academic progress, & social behaviors. I am very proud of each child’s educational progress this year. I also wanted to say thank you for purchasing books from our “Classroom Wish List” during the Greenwood book fair. I really appreciate the book donations & know the students will love reading them.

1 More Makes For A Happy 19!

Last week we also welcomed a new student to our Multiage Family, “Likeable Logan.” He was welcomed with open arms & is a perfect fit to our classroom.

Apple Education

Last week we began a unit study on Apples/Johnny Appleseed. We peeled, sliced, cored, & tasted different types of apples. Each student graphed our classrooms “tasty” results. It was a lot of fun learning about the legend of Johnny while studying the stages/seasons of an apple tree.

We Won The Golden Frisbee!

Our class was awarded the Golden Frisbee award last week during Gorilla Pride! We won it for having the best behavior and line up during recess! Way to go boys and girls!!! I am so proud of all of you!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Donuts & Dads/Grandads

Here are a few of the dad's that I caught having a donut with their little ones. I took these before the 7:55 bell (I had to get back to our classroom to welcome my students). Thank you dads/grandads for coming! The students were so excited!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Apple Flips

Friday we began our Johnny Appleseed unit. We made Apple Flips. They were so yummy! We baked them in the cafeteria oven. They were so easy to make. We wanted to share our recipe with you. You will find it below.
Homestyle Grand Biscuits, canned Apple Pie Filling, Cinnamon, & Sugar.
Recipe: (preheat oven 350 degrees)
1. Flatten one biscuit.
2. Spoon 2-3 teaspoons full of apple pie filling onto one half of the biscuit.
3. Fold other half of biscuit over (it will look like a taco).
4. Pinch edges closed.
5. Sprinkle with cinnamon & sugar.
6. Bake until golden brown.

Mystery Reader...It's Mr. Jones!

Our second Mystery Reader came last Friday. Stephen Jones (Mrs. Jones’ husband) surprised the students by reading the book A Day In The Life Of Bubble Gum & it was funny!! He also brought us all bubble gum. We really enjoyed it! We wanted to thank him for coming. We can't wait to see who our next Mystery Reader will be. His favorite sport: football & fishing. Favorite food: Shorty's calazone. Can he recite the Preamble to the Constitution? Yes he can.
Reading bags went home today. Your child’s vinyl reading bag contains a small book(s) & a spelling list. Please help reinforce spelling and reading at home nightly (homework should take less than 15 minutes). The Reading Bag should remain in your child’s backpack when not in use. Any nightly homework your child has will go in that bag. I will take up the bags this THURSDAY to change out the book(s) & spelling lists for the next week.

Mon: Look over spelling words & read your book(s) in your reading bag
Tues: Spelling words & read 2 stories in your hard back reader
Wed: Spelling words, Word Sort, & read your book(s) in your reading bag.
Friday: NO SCHOOL!

A Peek At Our Week of Sept. 22-26

It is a four-day week. We will study Johnny Appleseed & apples this week. It is going to be fun smelling and tasting different types of apples. We will graph our results. We will also be working on each group’s defined spelling skill each day in class. During math this week, we will be focusing on addition and sums of 7. We will also begin our Oreo Internet math project which includes estimation, graphing, counting, & much more. Yum! I look forward to meeting with each of you, to discuss your child’s progress during parent/teacher conferences. I know many of you have other conferences to attend, so I will do my best to make sure your conference starts and ends on time. Have a wonderful week!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Student Sparkle

We are working on our speaking skills each day by holding "Student Sparkle." Each student is assigned a day to orally present something that they brought from home or just orally share information. Each student has 2 minutes to present. MONDAY: Andy, Dylan, Erin TUESDAY: Briar, Brooke, Ethan, Kyle WEDNESDAY: Cole G., Colton, Cody, Kimberly THURSDAY: Cole M, Maggie, Sophia FRIDAY: Alexa, Arissa, Neida, Ella
Reading & spelling starts this week. Your child’s vinyl reading bag contains a small book(s) & a spelling list. Please help reinforce spelling and reading at home nightly (homework should take less than 15 minutes). The Reading Bag should remain in your child’s backpack when not in use. Any nightly homework your child has will go in that bag. I will take up the bags each Friday to change out the book(s) & spelling lists for the next week.
Mon: Look over spelling words & read your book(s) in your reading bag.
Tues: Spelling words & read 1 story in your hard back reader
Wed: Word Sort & & read your book(s) in your reading bag.
Thurs: Spelling words & both stories in your hard back reader

A Peek At Our Week Sept. 15-19

This week we will begin our new state adopted reading series. We will also begin leveled spelling concepts this week. We will be working on each group’s defined spelling skill each day in class. We will continue our author study on Eric Carle & science unit on insects. During math this week we will be focusing on addition, and coins/their values. We will finish up the week with another mystery reader & have “cooking in the classroom.” Have a wonderful week!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mystery Reader Mania!

Our first Mystery Reader came last Friday. The students were SO hyped over the clues throughout the week. Dana Reasor (Marvelous Maggie’s mom) surprised the students by reading a book about a mouse named Whisker’s. Maggie’s grandparents Daryl & Betty Dewoody wrote the book & it was terrific!! Maggie’s mom & grandmother Betty also brought us mouse cookies for a snack. They were too cute! Thank you Dana & Betty for taking time out to read to us & for the yummy cookies! Our first mystery is solved!Mystery Reader Clues: If you were an insect what insect would you be? (Ladybug because they are hard workers and cute) What is your favorite snack? (Sugar Cookies with icing) Who is your hero? (My dad for many reasons) What is your birthday month? (March)

Camp Wanna Read!

Each day after lunch we have "Camp Wanna Read" (silent reading time). It lasts 25 minutes. We each pick a book to read that is on our independent reading level. We take the book to a quiet spot to read. Silent reading helps us practice reading without moving our lips. It helps us to read faster in our minds. This also helps us with comprehension. You will find us reading everywhere! This also gives us a little "down time" so we can gear up for our math lesson. During our "camp time" Mrs. J listens to several of us read orally. As she listens, she writes notes in her MIRP (Monitored Independent Reading Practice) Log. The notes help her to track our reading progress: fluency, pace, phrasing, intonation, comprehension, phonics, etc. She uses the notes to assist in our daily instruction. We all want to read to her! It is fun!!!
It is very relaxing & we can travel many places just by read a book!

Dust Pan Award!

Yeah for us! We were the first class to receive the "Dust Pan Award" for having the cleanest room in the Green Wing. We received the award during Gorilla Pride. We were thrilled & very proud to get it!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Box Tops For Education

Our school is collecting Box Tops. Please clip Box Top coupons - each one is worth 10 cents for our school. Mrs. J is sending home ziplock baggies for you to hand on your refrigerator so it's easy to see and easy to collect the Box Tops you clip. Box Tops can be found on hundreds of quality products from brands like these: General Mills, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Ziplock, Kleenex, Hefty, & many more. Visit http://www.boxtops4education.com/ for a complete list of participating brands and to learn more about how you can help our school.

A Peek Our Week September 8-12

This week we will continue with the final week of individual assessments: Literacy First (phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, & sight word lists), BEAR Spelling Inventory, Macmillan/McGraw Hill (reading placement test, word lists), Math Facts Assessments, & Scott Foresman Math placement. Each elementary classroom in the district will finish up their assessments on Friday. Parent & Teacher Conferences will be on September 25th & 26th. I will be sharing your child’s assessments with you during that time. We will continue our author study on Eric Carle & science unit on insects. During math this week we will be focusing on addition and clocks. If you have any comments or questions feel free to contact me.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Tahlequah Tigers Visit!

This morning Coach Tuffy Thornton & the Tahlequah Tiger football team visited classrooms at Greenwood. Our Tiger was named Gunner. He brought a white t-shirt and each child in our multiage signed it. Gunner plans on wearing the t-shirt under his pads and jersey during the first home game tonight against Catoosa Indians. The students were thrilled and loved meeting him. I grew up with coach Thornton. He is a wonderful role model and leader for the athletes. The Tigers hold a very special place in my heart. My dad coached the Tigers in the early 60's. I along with my brothers were born Tigers! I wish Coach Thornton & the boys good luck this season!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Author Eric Carle & Kindness

This week we began a science unit about insects. We watched a computer video on United Streaming. We learned that insects have 3 body parts, 2 antenna, & hard outer shells. They are sometimes helpful to our environment. Our word of the week is Kindness. Mrs. J read The Grouchy Ladybug by author Eric Carle. The Grouchy Ladybug learned that kindness is very important. We made our own ladybugs to hang in the hall to remind us how important it is to be kind to others. We also learned that lady bugs have wings under their bright red shell. They ae important to the environment by eating aphids off of plants and flowers.


Parents, please check this PE posting often to get the lastest updated PE news from our coaches. This posting will be updated as new information becomes available.
*We are collecting the “Nestle” Pure Life labels off of water bottles. At the end of the year we send in the labels to get free PE equipment.
Get To Know The Coaches
Coach Anderson: I'm a single mom with 2 children. My son Caleb is 21, my daughter Nicole is 18. I have always loved sports, I played HS & college basketball. I have taught school for 25 years, 23 of those years here at Greenwood as the PE teacher.
Coach Jeans: I am married with one child. Cody is 7 & in Mrs. Jones' Multiage at Greenwood. I’ve been teaching for 10 years. This is my 3rd year here at Greenwood. I played baseball at NSU. My hobbies are golf, working out, & spending time with Cody.


Parents, please check this Library posting often to get the lastest updated news from our librarian. This posting will be updated as new information becomes available.
Get To Know Us!
Mrs. Fowler: I have been married for 25 years. Both of my children, Zack 18 and Josh 15, went to school here. I will have been teaching for 13 years and I have been at Greenwood for 9. I have also taught 5th grade. My hobbies are going to antique stores, garage sales, flea markets, and craft shows looking for bargains on antiques, & I really like to read!!! Mrs. Jones and I have something super neat in common, we were born on the same day, January 4th BUT not the same year. I’m an old hen and she’s just a young chick!
Mrs. Clinton: I’ve worked at Greenwood for the past 21 years as a library assistant. I’ve been married for 36 years and have 3 children and 1 grandchild. In my time here at Greenwood I have had some of the students’ parents as well as their siblings and have watched some of them grow up. I enjoy going to junk stores and collecting old things.

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Peek At Our Week Sept. 1-5

This week I will begin a two week phase of individual assessments: Literacy First (phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, & sight word lists), BEAR Spelling Inventory, Macmillan/McGraw Hill (reading placement test, word lists), Math Facts Assessments, & Scott Foresman Math placement. The assessments are intended to help pinpoint each child’s strengths and areas of need while driving my instruction. Multiage is all about “differentiated” or individualized learning in all areas. In addition we will begin an author study on Eric Carle. We will finish up the week with a Grandparents Day assembly & classroom visitation. It should be a busy week!

Look Who Has Visited!

Seeing The World Through Buddy Bear's Eyes

Seeing The World Through Buddy Bear's Eyes
Buddy is our classroom bear. He was given to Mrs. J as a Valentine present in 1993 by a very special student Ryan Humphrey. He started going home on weekends with her student's & began traveling the world. He has been to many exciting homes & places. He has met every child that Mrs. Jones has ever taught. He has been to birthday parties, class trips, trips to different states & countries, sat on the Great Wall of China, & met Micky Mouse! He is currently 15 years old. We will be documenting his trips below.


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