Our 2010-2011 Multiage Family: , Exciting Emily, Reliable Riley, Awesome Alex, Admirable Angelina, Jovial Jaxon, Noble Nathan, Cheerful Chelsea, Remarkable Rudy, Amazing Allyson, Joyful Jaya, Audacious Alexa, Excellent Emily, Majestic Mariah, Lovely Luisa, Brainy Becca, Colossal-Brain Keaton, Kind Kate, Magnificent MaKenzie, Polite Peyton, Brilliant Bradley, Shining Shaw, & Ambitious Ashley!

Multiage ~ "Where Great Minds GROW!"

Below you will find our Blog Postings. If a posting inspires you & you want to leave us a POSITIVE COMMENT or ASK US a question, please click on "comments" under a posting. WE LOVE QUESTIONS & COMMENTS!! By clicking on "comments" you can read comments & questions that others have left. ENJOY!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Spirit Stick

We’ve Got Spirit, Yes We Do!
Our class was the first to win the Spirit Stick during Friday’s Gorilla Pride Assembly! It was full of candy! We were thrilled! We will spend the week looking for another class who has spirit! We will be presenting the stick to that class during the next assembly.

Johnny Appleseed Week

We kicked off a week long unit over Johnny Appleseed last Friday. We made apple flips & they were y-u-m-m-y!! Below you will find our recipe!

Homestyle Grand Biscuits, canned Apple Pie Filling, Cinnamon, & Sugar.
Recipe: (preheat oven 350 degrees)
1. Flatten one biscuit.
2. Spoon 2-3 teaspoons full of apple pie filling onto one half of the biscuit.
3. Fold other half of biscuit over (it will look like a taco).
4. Pinch edges closed.
5. Sprinkle with cinnamon & sugar.
6. Bake until golden brown.

A Peek At Sept 28 - Oct 2

We will wrap up September this week. My how it flew!! We will begin new reading and spelling skills today. We will focus on the concepts of nonfiction reading material, facts/opinions, & connecting text to our prior knowledge. Math this week will include: daily flash card practice with “plus 3 & +4 ” flash cards, counting nickels & dimes, leveled clock/time practice, & finishing up writing by 2’s to 50/100. Our Painted Lady caterpillars transformed into beautiful chrysalises last week. The students began keeping observation journals over their progress. We are currently waiting for them to emerge, transformed with wings. We will go on a field trip to NSU on Wednesday to watch the play “A Bagful of Fables.” It should be a great trip for us! Things are going wonderfully in the Multiage so far this year! I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of sweet, driven, & loving students!!!

Sept 28-Oct 2

Mon: 1. Speller’s Choice Activity 2. Read both books in
your homework bag 3. Math Flash Cards & Wraps Practice
Tues: 1. Speller’s Choice Activity 2. Read story in your
hardback reader 3.Timed “Math Masters” Practice Sheet
Wed: 1. Speller’s Choice Activity 2. Read both books in
your homework bag 3. Math Flash Cards & Wraps Practice
Thurs: 1. Speller’s Choice Activity 2. Read story in your
hardback reader 3.Timed “Math Masters” Practice Sheet
Friday: Reading & Spelling Tests In Class Today!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Weekly Word Sorting

Each week we practice working with given words & sorting the words by common properties (short/long vowels, blends, diphthongs, digraphs, prefixes/suffixes). We use a sorting mat (made from a file folder) to sort our words by common headings. Our classroom philosophy is based on differientiation (looking at each one of us as individual child & making the curriculum fit for each one of us.). On any given week we will have 5 different spelling concepts/skills going (anywhere from short a to r-controlled ar/or). Our individulized concept/skill is based on where we "fell" on the BEAR indivdualized spelling assessment at the beginning of the school year. Our teacher finds that if she meets us "where we are academically," we move along at a smoother pace. So each week there are 5 different word sorts going on in our room at one time. The short video clip is a "peek" into the steps of sorting: (1) read through the cards putting words in two piles: words I know or words I'm unsure of, (2) ask for help with unsure words, (3) sort, (4) read through the sort & check for changes, (5) "justify" my sort to the teacher or a friend (read each word & tell why I put it under each heading.). Our teacher makes our sorts using Word but a great resource for this if you are just beginning is All Sorts Of Sorts: Word Sorts That Reinforce Spelling And Phonetic Patterns by Sheron Brown you can find it on Amazon.com

Gorilla Pride

We are a Great Expectations Model School. Our school holds an all school assembly on the last day of each week. We all meet in our gym at 8:10. The weekly assembly is hosted by a different classroom each week & includes: school wide word of the week (respect, cooperation, etc.), quote of the week, American flag salute, Oklahoma pledge, 8 school Expectations, Greenwood creed, teacher creed, celebration of the week, Gorilla's showing character, school awards (dust pans for each wing & cleanest bathrooms boys vs. girls), weekly birthdays & birthday song, & on occasion special song or speaker. We end our assembly with the song Celebrate Greenwood! One of my student's filmed our multiage family singing and dancing to the song.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

We wanted to thank all of our grandparents who took time out of their busy schedules to visit our classroom. We were SO thrilled! We also wanted to send out our thoughts to Kyle & Cody’s grandparents who were not feeling well. We had a record 31 grandparents visit our classroom!

A Peek At Our Week: Sept 14-18

This week we will begin our reading series & introduce spelling concepts. We will continue memorizing our high frequency words & integrate our “Chunky Monkey” (looking for chunks in unknown words) reading strategy. During math this week, we will have daily flash card practice by adding in “doubles plus 1” flash cards, more dice addition skills, count nickels & dimes together, continue leveled clock/time practice (hour, half hour, time to the 5 minutes), write by 2’s to 50/100, & continue timed “Multiage Math Masters.” We will discuss our country’s Constitution on Wednesday while continuing our science study over butterflies throughout the week. We will finish on Friday with a classroom cooking activity. I hope you have a wonderful week!

September 14-18

Mon: 1. Speller’s Choice Activity
2. Read both books in your homework bag
3. Math Flash Cards & Wraps Practice

Tues: 1. Speller’s Choice Activity
2. Read story in your hardback reader
3.Timed “Math Masters” Practice Sheet

Wed: 1. Speller’s Choice Activity
2. Read both books in your homework bag
3. Math Flash Cards & Wraps Practice

Thurs: 1. Speller’s Choice Activity
2. Read story in your hardback reader
3.Timed “Math Masters” Practice Sheet

Fri: Reading & Spelling Tests In Class Today!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Grandparent Butterflies Reported by Exciting Ella & Artistic Arissa

Ella volunteered to be first in using the "Flip video" camera. She decided to shoot a little bit of our Grandparent's Day art project that was going on in our classroom today. She turned the camera on & this is what she came up with. I thought she did a wonderful job of speaking & telling what was going on in the activity. Afterwards, Ella passed the camera to Arissa. In her video, Arissa takes the viewer on a tour of some of the painted butterflies. She really enjoyed using the camera. Look for more "Student Posts" in the near future! Putting video cameras in students hands (in our district) is the "brain child" of Mr. Terry Garrett. I commend him on the supurb idea!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Peek At Our Week: Sept 7-11

This week during literacy we will begin reading from our basil readers, continue labeling nouns, “visualizing” while we read, discuss non-fiction, & introduce the reading strategy “Chunky Monkey” (looking for chunks in unknown words). During math this week, we will have daily flash card practice by adding in +9 flash cards, dice skills, count nickels & dimes, continue counting by 5’s around the clock, write by 2’s to 50/100, & continue timed “Multiage Math Masters.” We will take our Math Masters assessments on Friday. We will label the parts of a butterfly & use our computer microscope to look at a Monarch’s wings. We will finish up the week with a grandparent’s celebration on Friday at 1:15 in the gym. Please RSVP if your child will have a grandparent attending.

September 7-11

Mon: Math Flash Cards & Math Wraps Memorization Practice
(+1, +2, doubles, & +9)
Tues: Timed “Math Masters” Practice (return on Wednesday)
Wed: Math Flash Cards & Math Wraps Memorization Practice
(+1, +2, doubles, & +9)
Thurs: Timed “Math Masters” Practice (return on Friday) &
Word Sorting

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dear Grandparents,
You are essential members of our families and community. For all that you do, Greenwood Elementary would like to invite Grandparents of Greenwood students to attend an assembly to honor you! Our assembly will be on Friday, September 11th at 1:15 p.m. in the Greenwood Gymnasium. We will have cookies in our classroom following the assembly. We look forward to entertaining and visiting with you!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Teacher/Student Dice Hands On Math Activities Book
Peyton & Ella use the Mead Board "virtual die" for their game.

We are beginning our year using a new way of learning addition using dice. After dialy whole group instruction, students partner up and practice the taught skill. The virtual die is a class favorite.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Skip Counting & Writing

Daily during our Rise & Shine Morning Meeting we practice skip counting & writing on wipe off boards. We have learned to write by 5's & 10's to 100. We are currently working on 2's to 100. Future counting/writing will include: 3's to 30, 4's to 40, 7's to 70, 25's to 200, 100's to 1000.

Math & Literacy Online!

Here is a great website for online educational games! Check it out!

Look Who Has Visited!

Seeing The World Through Buddy Bear's Eyes

Seeing The World Through Buddy Bear's Eyes
Buddy is our classroom bear. He was given to Mrs. J as a Valentine present in 1993 by a very special student Ryan Humphrey. He started going home on weekends with her student's & began traveling the world. He has been to many exciting homes & places. He has met every child that Mrs. Jones has ever taught. He has been to birthday parties, class trips, trips to different states & countries, sat on the Great Wall of China, & met Micky Mouse! He is currently 15 years old. We will be documenting his trips below.


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