Our 2010-2011 Multiage Family: , Exciting Emily, Reliable Riley, Awesome Alex, Admirable Angelina, Jovial Jaxon, Noble Nathan, Cheerful Chelsea, Remarkable Rudy, Amazing Allyson, Joyful Jaya, Audacious Alexa, Excellent Emily, Majestic Mariah, Lovely Luisa, Brainy Becca, Colossal-Brain Keaton, Kind Kate, Magnificent MaKenzie, Polite Peyton, Brilliant Bradley, Shining Shaw, & Ambitious Ashley!

Multiage ~ "Where Great Minds GROW!"

Below you will find our Blog Postings. If a posting inspires you & you want to leave us a POSITIVE COMMENT or ASK US a question, please click on "comments" under a posting. WE LOVE QUESTIONS & COMMENTS!! By clicking on "comments" you can read comments & questions that others have left. ENJOY!

Monday, December 24, 2007

We Went Back In Time

We took these pictures while on our field trip to the Heritage Center. They were taken at the old school house in Adams Corner. The children loved the old school room. I love these pics!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Parents & Friends, if you have a question you would like our student's to answer, ASK IT HERE! Questions can be about our classroom, things we do, our routine, etc. We check our blog several times a week & will reply to you ASAP. You will find our reply in the "comments" section under this entry.
Thanks! The Junior Geniuses


Parents, if you have a question about reading, math, multiage development, etc. click on comment under this entry & leave your question. I will try my best to answer your question. You will find the response to your question in the "comment" section under this entry. Thanks! Mrs. J

Monday, December 10, 2007

Cherokee Heritage Field Trip

We went on a field trip to the Cherokee Heritage Center. It was a cold and windy day but we made it! We visited the Ancient Villiage, Adams Corner, the Museum, & Ancient Archives.
We were the first class ever to visit the archives at the Cherokee Heritage Center. We saw many neat like paintings, musical intruments, tools, & a seashell necklace that was uncovered in a ancient Cherokee dig site. It is estimated to be over 2,000 years old!!!
- written & typed by Hali & Cole
Us holding some of the ancient artifacts. They were amazing! We learned a lot!
This is a replica of an ancient Cherokee summer home.

Another angle of the ancient summer home.

This is a replica of an ancient Cherokee winter home.

This is a replica of a Council House. It was a place for Native Americans to come together & discuss problems. We discussed the importance of this house. The children decided that we needed a Council House in our classroom to work out conflicts. It is great!

These 16,000 beads represent the number of Cherokee in the "Old Nation". As a result of their roundup, captivity, journey, & re-settlement, many Cherokee died. No one will ever no the exact number of deaths caused by removal. The pattern is based upon a contemporary bead pattern called "The Trail of Tears" by Cherokee Artist Mary Foreman. The 2,000 rough, black beads used for the lower footprints represent conservative estimates of the dead. The 2,000 textured red beads used for the upper footprints represent additional deaths. The 12,000 smooth, white beads represent the Cherokee who survived.

This is a small part of The Trail of Tears sculpture. It is so impressive!

Cherokees burned out large trees to make canoes.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Breakfast Party Friday, Dec 14th

We will be having our Christmas Party on Friday, December 14 from 9:00-10:00. We will wear our pajamas to school, play games, make a craft, & eat "breakfast foods". In the afternoon we will watch a Christmas movie & enjoy pizza (from winning the PTA skate). It is going to be a fun time together! I will be contacting parents about bringing items for the party. Mrs. J

Friday, November 30, 2007

PTA Skaters Won Our Class a Pizza Party!

Thank you multiagers for going to the PTA skate on November 29th. Our class had the most students in attendance so we won a PIZZA PARTY! We will be eating the pizza on Friday, December 14th, the afternoon of our Christmas breakfast. What a day that will be!!!! -Mrs. J

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Online Math For Student Practice!

Students, here is a WONDERFUL & FUN site for practicing math skills. You can practice many different skills by just clicking the mouse. If you try it, leave a comment to give "feedback" on the site. What game it was, did you learn anything new, & did you like it? Enjoy! -Mrs. J http://www.allentownsd.org/EETT/secondgrade.htm

Monday, November 26, 2007

Yeah For Us!

Monday, November 26th, during Gorilla Pride we recieved the Golden Frisbee & Dustpan Awards! We were so excited to win again! This makes two weeks in a row for the Dustpan Award! We were so proud of ourselves for following procedures!!!!


The new Gorilla shirts have arrived! They are SO cute!!! PTA is selling long sleeve gray t's, gray t's with green sleeves $9.00, gray sweat shirts $12.00, & gray hoodie sweat shirts $19.00. Please come by the school office if you are interested in purchasing one. Quantities are limited!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thanksgiving Break Is November 17-25!

I wanted to wish all my Junior Geniuses & their families a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope each of you enjoy the time off with your family! I will see each of your sweet faces back on Monday, November 26th! REMEMBER: the day we come back (Nov 26th) is our field trip. Wear tennis shoes, long pants, & bring a jacket. If you signed up to bring your lunch, bring it in a paper sack. It is going to be fun! Travel safe over the holiday! Mrs. J

Happy 100th Birthday Oklahoma!

Today we celebrated the Oklahoma Centennial with several special activities. We began the day by singing Oklahoma with the whole school. We then went to the cafeteria and listened to storyteller Laurette Willis. Later we each wrote "Our Life In 2007, Our Favorite Things". Our writings are going to be put into a school time capsule. The time capsule will be opened when we graduate from high school.
We went outside to the playground and planted a maple tree in memory of the centennial. Two of our playground trees received certificates for being "Witness Trees". That means the trees are 100+ years old. They were alive to "witness" statehood. We finished off the day with a yummy piece of Oklahoma birthday cake. The cake was huge & everyone in the school ate a piece! Oklahoma shared it's birthday with our own Youthful Yuliana who turned 9.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Indian Fry Bread Recipe

Today we made Indian fry bread. We mix & stirred. Mrs. J & Mrs. B fried them up for us. It was a group effort. Talented Tate shook them up in a baggie full of powdered sugar. They tasted SO GOOD!

Indian Fry Bread Recipe

2 cups self rising flour
1 cup buttermilk
powdered sugar
vegetable oil
electric skillet or Fry Daddy

1. Adults Only: In a electric skillet or Fry Daddy, heat 2" of oil to 350
2. In a mixing bowl knead together the self rising flour & buttermilk
3. After dough is mixed, pat dough into small round pieces.
4. Adults Only: drop dough into the hot oil.
5. Fry & turn bread once during cooking. Cook until golden brown.
6. Set fry bread on paper towels or napkins to drain.
7. Put bread into ziplock bag & shake in powdered sugar. Enjoy!

(Talented Tate took this picture)

We Are Basket Weaving!

Today Mrs. Penland came to our classroom to teach us how to weave baskets, a Cherokee tradition. We used honeysuckle reed & weaved our own baskets. We dipped the reed into water so it would bend and not break. It took a long time but was very fun! Native Americans made baskets to carry food, belongings, & even their babies. They made baskets in all sizes and shapes. Mrs. Penland was so patient with us & helped us make our master pieces. Each basket turned out unique, just like us! We wanted to thank Mrs. Richardson (Mrs. Blunt's intern) & Mrs. B (Beautiful Brianne's mom) for coming to help us during the basket weaving.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Native American Corn Husk Dolls

We have been focusing on Native American Culture. This week we had a visit from Mary & Dora, two sweet ladies from the Keetowah tribe. They shared with us the history of the corn husk dolls. They made several dolls. It was really neat! They are made from real corn husks, hickory nuts, & thread. Cornhusk dolls are one of the oldest forms of dolls known in the Americas. The Native Americans have a legend about the "faceless doll." The first cornhusk doll was made to be the companion for a little Indian girl. The doll was so beautiful; it spent all of its days gazing at itself in the clear pond in the woods. The Creator punished the doll for her vanity and removed her face forever. The Native Americans taught the early settlers to make these dolls. Mary & Dora also taught us the Cherokee words for corn (say-lew), beans (dew-yaw), hello (o-si-yo).

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dust Pan Award!

During the November 13th Gorilla Pride Assembly, we received the "Dust Pan Award" for having the cleanest room in the Green Wing! This was our second time to get it! We work hard to keep our classroom clean and organized. Mrs. J encourages has us to organize our desks & cubbies daily. We are proud of ourselves for getting this award!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's Our Lucky Week!

During the "Gorilla Pride" assembly on November 5th we were presented with the Golden Frisbee AND the Greenwood Pride Gorilla! The Greenwood Pride Gorilla is presented at each weekly assembly to the class that participates & shows the most respect. I AM SO PROUD OF OUR MULTIAGE FAMILY!!!! It is a BIG honor to receive the Gorilla. It was our third time to win the Golden Frisbee this year. Our Multiage Rocks!!! I am so lucky to have such a loving, hard working, & respectful bunch of students! -Mrs. J

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


POSTING UPDATE: OUR TIGER BASKET SOLD FOR $120.00 TO FORMER MULTIAGER MACKENZIE. MRS. J'S "TUCK IN" WAS SOLD TO TALENTED TATE. THANK YOU PARENTS FOR SENDING THE ITEMS FOR OUR BASKET!!! WE REALLY APPRECIATED ALL THE DONATIONS!! Our PTA will be holding its annual basket auction along with Bingo Night on Tuesday, December 11th! Mrs. J’s & Mrs. B’s Multiage Families are coming together to fill a basket to be auctioned. OUR BASKET THEME IS T-QUAH TIGERS (a sports theme). We are in need of donations for the basket, Tiger/sports themed items: a throw, sweatshirts, t-shirts, coosies, a regular football, basketball, glove, gift certificates, a large cooler to use for the basket, etc. Feel free to be creative! If you are “stumped” and need an idea please let us know & and we can give some more suggestions of items our classes would like to have in the basket. There will we bingo prizes, baskets for auction, & even TEACHERS BEING AUCTIONED OFF! Boys & Girls, I will be auctioned & will be providing a "tuck in". I will be be assisting one lucky mom by providing two bedtime stories with a "tuck in" on the night of your choice. Yes, homemade cookies & milk will be provided! Feel free to invite your brothers, sisters, mom, & dad to listen while enjoying cookies & milk. I will be there with your mom every step of the way: reading stories, saying good night, & even when mom turns out your light. Parents, thank you for your support. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. A portion of the proceeds made will go towards new items for our classroom.

Fall Walk Surprise

On Tuesday we began our science focus on autumn. After brainstorming about what we know & what we want to know about leaves, we took a "fall walk". We walked & discussed the colors, shapes, edges, & parts of leaves that we saw on many trees. When we were standing by the Greenwood fence, we spotted the groundhogs "Sunny & Buttercup" at the edge of Mrs. J's yard. They have really put on weight & will be hibernating very soon. It was really neat!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Cheers For The Parents!!

Our Multiage Family wanted to send one big cheer of "THANK YOU" to all of the parents who sent items for our Halloween party yesterday! Thank you Dr. S (Terrific Tate's mom) for cooking & helping organize the party. Also, thank you Mrs. B (Beautiful Brianne's mom) for helping with the pass the pumpkin game & packing all the treat bags, Mrs. M (Colossal Brain Cole's mom) for keeping the bingo game going, Mrs. T (Jazzy Jade's mom) for heading up the cookie decorating, Mrs. S (Brainy Bradyn's mom) for the pumpkin toss game. Mrs. F (Heavenly Holly's mom) nine months pregnant & radiant helping to clean up our big after party mess. We also wanted to thank Mrs. C (Bright Briar's mom), Mrs. J (Jovial Jax's mom), Mrs. C (Admirable Alexa's mom), Mrs. G (Creative Cole's mom), & Mrs. A (Brilliant Braden's mom) for coming & assisting. Our Multiage is strong & successful because of all the love & support we receive from our classroom community family! We loved the food, games, & having each of you at our party!!! See below for Halloween Party Pics!

Halloween Fun!

We had a BLAST at our Halloween party yesterday! We played Halloween bingo & pumpkin toss, decorated pumpkin shaped cookies, decorated treat sacks, played pass the pumpkin with Halloween music, and ate fruit, veges, chips with cheese dip, "brains", and our cookie creations. We had fun playing games & being together with friends. We treated eachother with respect & kindness. Our next party will be in December. Black Widow! Eeek!

Creative Treat Bags


Cookie Decorating Fun!

Pass the Pumpkin Music Game

Pumpkin Toss Game

Mr. & Mrs. J were excited to have: Brianne, Jax, Hali, Jade, Ana, Cole M., Seth, & Braden trick or treat their house.


Yeah for you all!

They exhibited all 8 Expectations!

Friday, October 26, 2007

50th Day of School!

On Wednesday we celebrated the 50th day of school with 50's Day! We dressed up, hula hooped, hop scotched, had a bubble blowing contest, & drank root beer floats! We had planned on having it outside but the weather turned cold. It was so fun & afterwards we were so tired. Mrs. J was going to have a costume contest but could not decide between the cute costumes. It was fun just being together. Only 50 more days until we celebrate the 100th day of school. We wanted to thank our parents for our "cool" looks!

Do we look cool or what!

The hula hooping
bubble gum contest
were so much fun!

Comment From Holly's Dad In Iraq

Today the students were THRILLED to get a comment on our blog from Heavenly Holly's dad. He is a marine stationed in Iraq. I cannot tell you how precious my "little ones" faces were as I read his comment. After reading it we went on Google Earth & took a quick trip around the world to Iraq. The children always enjoy taking trips on the internet. I wanted to let Lieutenant F know how excited his Holly & the rest of the children were. Today Heavenly Holly brought her "daddy doll" for Show & Share. It has a picture of her dad & a device with a message that her dad made for her with his own voice. She hugged it & hugged it. It was a big hit with her Multiage Family!! Here is his comment..."Mrs. Jones & class, I would like to Thank you all for welcoming my precious jewel with open arms. You will continue to see that she will brighten your days with just her smile and giggles. I will often check on you all. Continue to fill your hearts and minds to one day do great things in this world. Take care!" -Holly's Dad

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thank You Parents!!!

I would like to thank Beautiful Brianne's mom (Mrs. B) & Colossal Brian Cole's mom (Mrs. M) for volunteering their time during our 50's day celebration!
I would also like to thank ALL the parents who sent items for the event! Our day would not have been possible without your generosity!!! Thank you Mr. J for donating the ice cream for the floats. -Mrs. J

Look Who Has Visited!

Seeing The World Through Buddy Bear's Eyes

Seeing The World Through Buddy Bear's Eyes
Buddy is our classroom bear. He was given to Mrs. J as a Valentine present in 1993 by a very special student Ryan Humphrey. He started going home on weekends with her student's & began traveling the world. He has been to many exciting homes & places. He has met every child that Mrs. Jones has ever taught. He has been to birthday parties, class trips, trips to different states & countries, sat on the Great Wall of China, & met Micky Mouse! He is currently 15 years old. We will be documenting his trips below.


Click on a flag below to translate our blog in a different language.