Our 2010-2011 Multiage Family: , Exciting Emily, Reliable Riley, Awesome Alex, Admirable Angelina, Jovial Jaxon, Noble Nathan, Cheerful Chelsea, Remarkable Rudy, Amazing Allyson, Joyful Jaya, Audacious Alexa, Excellent Emily, Majestic Mariah, Lovely Luisa, Brainy Becca, Colossal-Brain Keaton, Kind Kate, Magnificent MaKenzie, Polite Peyton, Brilliant Bradley, Shining Shaw, & Ambitious Ashley!

Multiage ~ "Where Great Minds GROW!"

Below you will find our Blog Postings. If a posting inspires you & you want to leave us a POSITIVE COMMENT or ASK US a question, please click on "comments" under a posting. WE LOVE QUESTIONS & COMMENTS!! By clicking on "comments" you can read comments & questions that others have left. ENJOY!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Welcome families to another great year! We have 11 returning Multiagers and 9 new fantastic students! We spent the first three days of school getting to know each other and learning/reviewing new classroom procedures. We discussed our first comprehension strategy "visualizing." We also began odd and even numbers & practiced using bar graphs. We learned how to use our new MEAD board. It is a wonderful new learning tool for our classroom. Be sure to stop by and check it out. This week I will be assessing each student in phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, sight word recognition, & math skills. This will give me greater insight into each student's strengths & areas of need. We will begin our first poetry lesson, begin handwriting practice, start on leveled addition using dice, & begin our look at butterflies. Thank you for looking in your child's BEE notebook and signing it nightly. We were 100% for the first 3 days of school! YEA!! Our school wide Gorilla Pride assembly has moved from Monday's to Friday mornings at 8:00. Also making news last week was Tahlequah's API score from the State Department of Education. Greenwood scored a perfect 1500!!! Our faculty was so excited about the news! Have a great week! If you have any questions feel free to contact me. My scheduled planning time is 2:10-3:00 pm daily. :)

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Seeing The World Through Buddy Bear's Eyes

Seeing The World Through Buddy Bear's Eyes
Buddy is our classroom bear. He was given to Mrs. J as a Valentine present in 1993 by a very special student Ryan Humphrey. He started going home on weekends with her student's & began traveling the world. He has been to many exciting homes & places. He has met every child that Mrs. Jones has ever taught. He has been to birthday parties, class trips, trips to different states & countries, sat on the Great Wall of China, & met Micky Mouse! He is currently 15 years old. We will be documenting his trips below.


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