Below you will find our Blog Postings. If a posting inspires you & you want to leave us a POSITIVE COMMENT or ASK US a question, please click on "comments" under aposting. WE LOVE QUESTIONS & COMMENTS!! By clicking on "comments" you can read comments & questions that others have left. ENJOY!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Week of January 26-30
Mon: Read both books in your reading bag & log one. Tues: Timed math facts, read 1 hardback story & log it. Wed: Reread your stories in your reading bag & log one. Thur: Timed math facts & reread hardback reader stories. Fri: No Homework!
1 comment:
hi its holly did you have a great spring brake. my spring brake started apr. 6 .i have to babysit my poppy. holly
Buddy is our classroom bear. He was given to Mrs. J as a Valentine present in 1993 by a very special student Ryan Humphrey. He started going home on weekends with her student's & began traveling the world. He has been to many exciting homes & places. He has met every child that Mrs. Jones has ever taught. He has been to birthday parties, class trips, trips to different states & countries, sat on the Great Wall of China, & met Micky Mouse! He is currently 15 years old. We will be documenting his trips below.
Click on a flag below to translate our blog in a different language.
CITIZENSHIP: behaving in a responsible manner as a citizen of a community.“We know what a person thinks, not when he tells us what he thinks, but by his actions.”- Isaac Singer
Hi we are room 22. We are Multiage students & we maintain this blog. This blog is a way of asking questions, writing about the things we are learning, discussing ideas from many sources, (books, blogs, letters, interviews) and reflecting on those ideas. This is also a way for our parents to stay informed about happenings in our room. Our teacher is Ms. J. You can comment on our questions or about our writings. We are 1st & 2nd graders, so of course Ms. J moderates this blog for us. If this blog has inspired you & you want to leave us a positive comment, please click on "comment" under a current posting. Thanks for visiting our Multiage Family!
Our Multiage family is comprised of children 6-9 years of age. It is a “non-graded” classroom that has two grades combined (first and second). Students who enter as "first graders" stay for at least two years, sometimes three. The purpose of our classroom is to provide experiences for learning while giving each student the opportunity to find success on their own path of growth: socially, emotionally, and intellectually. Our curriculum is largely theme based, integrating all areas of learning: reading, spelling, writing, math, science, and social studies. Each child is viewed as an individual member of a community of learners, “a family”. Our Multiage features all areas of instruction: large group, flexible small group instruction, and individual instruction. The curriculum is based around the Oklahoma PASS, National Standards, & the district's instructional expectations for first/second grade. Every child is working on their own independent level and moving forward, not being left behind. Our Multiage Family is a place where children are loved and encouraged. They are helped to discover their own interests, talents, and abilities. Each student is valued, listened to, encouraged, and given many choices every day. Our program implements a “hands on” approach to learning. Mrs. J has high expectations for every student! Her goal is for every child to experience success while being challenged.
Daily Schedule
7:55-8:30 Morning Work & ACR
8:20-9:20 Family Meeting/Literacy
9:20-10:00 Language Arts/Reading
10:00-10:40 Workshop
10:45-11:15 Recess
11:20-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Teacher Read Aloud
12:15-12:40 Camp Wanna Read
12:40-1:40 Math/Working Snack
1:40-2:05 Special & Interests
2:05-2:55 PE/Music/Library
2:55-3:05 Prepare for Dismissal
3:05-3:10 Closure
The schedule is very flexible & is subject to change to meet the ever growing daily needs of my Multiage students.
Specials Rotation Schedule
We will be on a new "6 Day" rotation schedule. After the 6th day we will start back with day 1. (2:05-2:55 PM DAILY)
Back packs & folders need to be brought to school daily. Please remember to sign your child's daily progress report & reading log nightly. The students check them in daily. Each Monday I file each child's progress report in their portfolio, so please leave it in their folder. Thank You!
Weekly News
Our classroom newsletter goes out every Monday afternoon in English & Spanish. Our monthly snack& events calendar goes out in English & Spanish on the first Monday of every month.
Weekly Reading/Spelling Bags
Colored Vinyl Reading/Spelling Bagsgo home the first day of eachweekwith your child. It is usually Mondays, unless there is no school on Monday. In that case it will go home on Tuesday. In the bag you will find your child's spelling list & paper phonicsreader. Please have your child look over their spelling words & paper reader nightly. The bag is due back onthe last day of the week.Please make sure theirspelling list is signed & that the paper reader is enclosed. We will have a spelling test over the words on the last day of each week.
Our Classroom Expectations
Expectation #1: We will value one another as unique & special individuals.
Expectation #2: We will not laugh at or make fun of a person's mistakes, use sarcasms or put downs.
Expectation #3: We will use good manners saying please & thank you, excuse me & allow others to go first.
Expectation #4: We will cheer each other to success.
Expectation #5: We will help one another when ever possible.
Expectation #6: We will recognize every effort & applaud it.
Expectation #7: We will encourage each other to do our best.
Expectation #8: We will practice virtuous living using the Life Principles.
Life Principles We Have Studied
Sight Word Lists A-C
List A (100 words) - 1st grade mastery - Christmas
the at there some my of be use her than and this an a would first have each make water to from which like been in or she him call is one do into who you had how time because that by their has red it me if look now he but will two find was not up more long for what other write down on all about go day are were out see did as we many number get with when then come his your them way made they can these could may I said so people part no
List B (100 words) - 1st Grade Mastery - End of April
over name boy such change new good follow don’t off sound am came turned play take man want here going only think show why air little say also asked away work great around went animals know where form men house place help three read I’m years through small need page live much see land were me before put different mother back line end home answer give right does us found most too another move day very means well try still after old large kind learn things any must hand should our same big picture became just tell even again world
List C (290 words) - 2nd Grade Mastery - End of April
wish care able carry become cat above bed catch across caught add certain began against behind city being class believe clean almost below close along best clothes already better cold between although coming always bike complete black among boat couldn’t body country books cut boot dad both dark box deep anything bring broke didn’t brother died brought ask build dinner bus ate buy dog doing baby called bad door ball draw beautiful car dream dry full during fun funny however early game hurt Earth gave easy I’d eat important enough goes inside ever gone instead every everyone got everything grade fact family green job fare group jump fast grow father keep favorite half kept feel kids feet happy killed fell hard few new field fight having lady finally head fine hear last fire heard later heart fish heavy leave five left fix less let food high life hill light form four hit list free hold friend hope lived front hour lives ride looking river lost room lot often round lots run love running lunch once mad sat main order making scared school sea outside second maybe means own seen set paper several might park shall miss mind party ship mom past short money shot moon perhaps person morning pick shown sick side plants simple since possible sister myself probably size problem sky near sleep rain snow next ready nice real someone night really something reason soon red nothing rest space together woke started told state stay took top wouldn’t stood tree yard stop tried store trouble yes story you street trying your stuff summer under sun until sure upon talk teach teacher used ten walk wanted that’s wasn’t watch themselves week they’re third while those through whole thought win throw
1 comment:
hi its holly did you have a great spring brake. my spring brake started apr. 6 .i have to babysit my poppy. holly
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